Didi did it: a blog about doing things.

  • The latest hardest thing I’ve ever done 

    Weird title, I know but I begun wearing aligners today. It doesn’t hurt, but it’s a tad uncomfortable. Life is filled with uncomfortable moments. Why have I willingly chosen to add to it for the next 5 months? I have one tooth shooting to God knows where and I can’t let that happen. I grew…

  • … to good vibes

    Not written in much longer than I planned. I have drafts. A lot of them. Just not had the time? been in the right headspace?  Not sure what the excuse is honestly but that’s the thing about excuses – If you want one, you’d get it. Might be the easiest thing to cook up. (Now…

  • … on striving for clarity

    You know the feeling of driving on a highway, just after you’ve gone past a gridlock. Thats the feeling of clarity. When you know just exactly what to do. When the puzzle fits. When you’ve figured it all out.  The way clarity comes interestingly is similar to being in traffic as well. You either wait…

  • The year ‘23 retrospectively

    Starting this by asking myself why I do not take pictures. I forget to take pictures. I should fix up because pictures helped me remember whatever happened that I’ll be writing about in the next few paragraphs.  Lived this year in slow-mo. Wasn’t in a hurry to learn or execute anything. Savoured every moment and…

  • … on running

    Running for me isn’t new. Can’t figure out exactly when I started but I know I was consistent 2019/2020… running 5Ks in the mornings, before getting ready for work.  Actually it was this way. A 5k, come in and spend about 30 minutes on the piano, then nap before work.  I’ve recently gotten into running…

  • … On doing difficult things 

    Figured out why I’ve been bored with life.… feeling lost.  When you play a game and it seems too easy, it gets boring. When it seems like you’ve gotten to the peak of the game, you get bored.  What do you then do? you either quit the current challenge and go for another, or you…

  • Lost

    Been trying to put a label to this feeling. Not sure what it is. It’s as though I’m lost. Life is good but I’m lost. I’m uninterested in anything. Not the best feeling honestly.

  • Brand New Underwear

    I was going to title this – It’s all in the mind but figured it’ll be bland, lukewarm…which is certainly not the feeling I’m trying to convey.  Now, growing up, when I had an occasion which I wanted to be pumped for, I’d wear a brand new underwear or accessory.  Significant memory of this was for exams.…

  • What if I did pushups everyday for the rest of my life?

    Ripped this title off some influencer who’s currently recording every day of her life but I’m sure she wouldn’t mind. There’s love in sharing.  I did 100 pushups in one day sometime in January, 10 at a time. Wrote about it actually. After that, I did pushups a few times a week for fun. Sometime in…

  • Raise the bar… higher.

    Most of my blogposts take a minute to write, but I’ve had the longest most-intense week.  Had to solve for something at work and it’s drained me but I’m determined today so here goes…. My model for hiring is to bring on bar raisers. People who are significantly better than myself with excellent executional standards. …

Got any recommendations on things I could try out?