Didi did it: a blog about doing things.

  • 24km later…

    Okay… this is probably a TMI post, but follow me… I’m getting somewhere. Today, I ran the farthest I’ve ever run – 24 km. It was long and hard, but I did it. After the run, I was about to get on a train home… because, for some reason, I’d rather run in a straight…

  • 20+16 weeks… plus 4 more

    Just under a year ago, I wore aligners for the first time. The plan was 20 weeks. But, of course, it took longer—I had to stay on some trays for extra time. At the end of that period, there were still a few things that needed fixing. Waited a few weeks for a new set.…

  • …intense mutual tension

    At the gym today, I noticed something. Everyone’s always on their phones. Between sets, between reps, sometimes just sitting there. I wonder—how much time does it actually take them to get things done? If gyms charged by time spent instead of memberships, would they be losing money? Probably. Anyway. There’s something interesting about how certain…

  • We need a summary, we need a conclusion.

    No one would guess I’m taking about food. Also, two posts in one day? It’s my lucky day. I’m only just realizing how much I understand the world and myself through metaphors. It’s not new; I’ve done it for years, but it has only just clicked. To explain situations, Didi would always find a parallel.…

  • Mini crash course

    I’ve seen jokes about people having a CV for dating; so when they get into the talking stage, they can just hand it over. But this weekend, I realized something: if you leave pockets of your life experiences and thoughts in different forms, especially ones that require little external validation, you create a crash course…

  • Here’s to the Moments We Don’t Measure

    December wasn’t my most consistent month—not by a long shot. The blog? Barely touched it. Running? My legs had other ideas and kept giving up on me. It’s funny because November ended on a high note with my longest run yet—15k at a ~6:10 pace. I was feeling good, but December had other plans. Travels…

  • … On consistently running.

    This post is coming a week late, but better late than never! I’ve been running almost daily since July, and it’s funny how committed I’ve become. I’m pretty happy that, as I get older, I’m entering this phase where I pick up something and really stick with it. Today, I felt like writing about it…

  • 10 weeks to go!

    One thing I haven’t been consistent with is writing on this blog. But on to the reason for this post.  I’m on my 10th week of aligners. 50% done! And I’ve been pretty consistent with wearing it for more than 22 hours a day. It’s wild because I was scared. Scared that I wouldn’t be…

  • The latest hardest thing I’ve ever done 

    Weird title, I know but I begun wearing aligners today. It doesn’t hurt, but it’s a tad uncomfortable. Life is filled with uncomfortable moments. Why have I willingly chosen to add to it for the next 5 months? I have one tooth shooting to God knows where and I can’t let that happen. I grew…

  • … to good vibes

    Not written in much longer than I planned. I have drafts. A lot of them. Just not had the time? been in the right headspace?  Not sure what the excuse is honestly but that’s the thing about excuses – If you want one, you’d get it. Might be the easiest thing to cook up. (Now…

Got any recommendations on things I could try out?