… On consistently running.

This post is coming a week late, but better late than never!

I’ve been running almost daily since July, and it’s funny how committed I’ve become. I’m pretty happy that, as I get older, I’m entering this phase where I pick up something and really stick with it. Today, I felt like writing about it because I discovered two things:

  1. I can use speech-to-text to write this (game changer for someone who doesn’t like typing!).
  2. A colleague asked if I’m ready to run a marathon next year, and I said yes!

I’ve been consistent with running for a while now, maybe since 2018 or 2019 (I think 2018). Back then, my pace was around 8 minutes per kilometer, but now on the treadmill, I can comfortably do a 5K in 27 minutes, or even less. On the road, I’ve done it in about 29 minutes. It’s wild how it works—I might not always feel like getting out of bed in the morning, but once I start, it just clicks. Last week, I ran 10K non-stop, and I’m actually considering running everywhere I need to go by December.

It’s funny how running has become such a big part of my life. I’m almost ready to call myself a runner now. I think about buying new running clothes, shoes, sunglasses—all for running. The obsession is real. And you know what? I think I’m stronger for it. I feel good, and I’m totally into it.

I had my first race in London last week. Actually, I just remembered I ran a few races back in Lagos—ARM races, to be specific. I’ve been running since my university days, now that I think about it. Back then, there were no Apple Watches, so I have no clue what my pace was, but I was definitely out there.

By the way, I finished as the third woman in the 5K race, clocking in at 27 minutes! Not bad at all, if I say so myself.

I have a half marathon planned for next weekend. Let’s see how I do.






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